119 research outputs found

    Kajian Persepsi Harapan Sektor Informal Terhadap Kebijakan Pemberdayaanusaha Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tojo Unauna

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    Pemberdayaan sektor informal merupakan bagian dari pemberdayaan perekonomian rakyat guna pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi. Untuk memperbaiki pola pemberdayaan sektor Informal di Kabupaten Tojo Unauna, maka dipandang perlu untuk melihat persepsi harapan para pelaku sektor informal terhadap kebijakan pembedayaanusaha pemerintah daerah kabupaten Tojo Unauna dilihat dari berbagai aspek. Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ini tipe penelitian yang digunakan bentuk penelitian deskriptif. Objek yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah dipusatkan pada pelaku USAha sektor informal di Kabupaten Tojo Unauna. Data primer dihimpun melalui observasi dan wawancara langsung dengan responden pemilikusaha (responden) dalam katagori sektor informal dengan jumlah sampel 50 responden. Sementara data sekunder dihimpun dari instansi terkait. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analysis frekwensi & crostabulasi atas persepsi harapan para pelaku sektor informal terhadap kebijakan pembedayaanusaha Hasil menelitian menemukan bahwa pola pemberdayaan dengan pemberian pelatihan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan, bantuan modal USAha, cara-cara pengelolaan USAha dan pendampingan USAha sangat diharapkan dari pemerintah. Faktor-faktor meningkatkan pendapatan, bantuan modal USAha, cara-cara pengelolaan USAha dan pendampingan USAha secara simultan memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap penerimaan PAD dari sisi retribusi daerah. Hal ini berarti bahwa pemberdayaan sektor informal, khususnya pedagang sektor informal berperan positif dalam meningkatkan perolehan/peneriman pendapatan pemerintah untuk membiayai pembangunan kota


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    Pendahuluan: Masalah kesehatan yang akhir-akhir ini sering dialami banyak wanita didunia adalah penyakit pada organ reproduksi yang salah satunya adalah Ca ovarium. Dimana Ca ovariummerupakan keganasan organ reproduksi perempuan yang menyerang indung telur dan merupakan jenis kanker tersering kedua dari selulur penyakit kanker kandungan. Adapun faktor-faktor tertentu yang meningkatkan resiko seorang wanita terkena Ca ovarium, antara lain faktor usia, genetik, tempat tinggal, faktor hormonal dan reproduksi. Umumnya gejala yang sangat ditakuti oleh pasien kanker adalah rasa nyeri yang tak tertahankan. Nyeri yang dirasakan oleh pasien biasa disebabkan oleh tumor kanker dan pengobatan yang dijalani, dan biasanya nyeri dapat menyebabkan kelelahan dan selanjutnya insomnia. Beberapa peneliti telah menjelaskan terapi komplementer yang dapat mengurangi ketidak nyamanan fisik dan psikologis salah satunya adalah relaksasi guided imagery, yang merupakan jenis intervensi mind-body yang digunakan untuk mengelola gejala yang berhubungan dengan kanker dan pengobatan. Metode: Pengkajian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2022, selanjutnya melakukan analisa data dan melakukan intervensi dari diagnosa yang didapatkan. Diagnosa keperawatan yang muncul yaitu nyeri akut berhubungan dengan agen pencedera fisiologis (neoplasma). Pemberian guided imageri dilakukan selama 1 hari selama 15-30 menit. Hasil: masalah keperawatan belum teratasi secara signifikan dikarenakan waktu pemberian asuhan keperawatan yang terlalu singkat, namun keluhan nyeri sudah mulai dapat berkurang dari skala nyeri 8 menjadi skala nyeri 7. Kesimpulan: pemberian teknik relaksasi guided imagery memberikan dampak positif pada pasien hingga dapat mengurangi nyeri pada Ny. E dengan Ca ovari

    Upaya Penanggulangan Illegal Logging melalui Hukum Adat Ditinjau dari Perspektif Pluralisme Hukum

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    The Illegal logging regulated in some positive rules, in the meanwhile act number 41/1995, act number 5/1985, The government regulation number 28/1985 and The Penal Regulation. In the those regulations not always can be solve the case of illegal loging. Traditional People with their custom law have a role to defand natural resource. Some example case were prove about that. They have local wisdom to defand riches that from their forefather. They realize that the forest give them a lot of contribution for their live resoluteness.The damage of forest that caused illegal logging will be suffered them. The traditional people have the custom law and sanction themselves that will be exictence by them for a long life natural resources. So, the pluralism with combination of the positive law and custom law is needed to solve the illegal logging.Key word : Illegal logging, custom law,pluralism

    The Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungus (AMF) Indigenous in Peanuts (Arachis Hypogea L) Rhizosphere Under Different Elevation

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    Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungus (AMF) is a type of soil microorganisms with obligate symbiotic characteristic. It can associate with high-level plants at the rate of 90%. Its association level highly depends on the type of AMF and the host plant. The lack of information about the AMF diversity in an ecosystem, and the insufficient number and types of isolates available, are limiting factors for the widespread use of AMF. It was a survey and observation research. In this research AMF indigenous potentials were observed in soil and roots of peanuts. Samples were taken from area with different elevation: low, medium, and high in West Sumatra. The study reveals that the highest number of AMF indigenous spores in peanuts rhizosphere from area with different elevation: low, medium, and high are dominated by Glomus sp 1 (159 spores), Acaulospora sp1 (110 spora) and Glomus sp2 (82 spores), however AMF indigenous with the highest percentage of existence is Glomus sp1 and Acaulospora sp1 (100%). In addition, the infectious level of AMF indigenous on roots of peanuts are 81.1%, 64,4% and 78,9% on low, medium and high elevation, respectively. The highest number of population and infectious level are on low elevation whereas the lowest number is on high elevation. Thus, the elevation level correlates with the type of infection, the size of population, and the percentage of infection

    Nilai pendidikan pada prosesi tradisi mandi safar masyarakat banjar di Kota Sampit Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini ialah tradisi Mandi Safar merupakan salah satu tradisi yang unik yang ada di Kota Sampit Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, pada pelaksanaannya sebagian masyarakat sekedar ikut namun tidak memahami makna yang terkandung pada tradisi mandi Safar, oleh karena itu penelitian ini mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan nilai pendidikan yang terkandung pada prosesi tradisi mandi Safar masyarakat Banjar di Kota Sampit Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana prosesi serta nilai pendidikan pada tradisi mandi Safar masyarakat Banjar di Kota Sampit Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah lapangan (field research), dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan Ethnografi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui prosesi serta nilai pendidikan pada tradisi mandi Safar. Adapun subjek penelitian adalah masyarakat Banjar di Kota Sampit, Kotawaringin Timur. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi (1) Nilai pendidikan religius, (2) Nilai pendidikan moral, (3) Nilai pendidikan sosial. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tradisi mandi Safar dalam pelaksanaannya memiliki proses yaitu: (1) Mempersiapkan daun Sawang, (2) Merajah daun Sawang, (3) Membaca niat mandi, (4) Mandi di sungai Mentaya, (5) Do’a Bersama. Adapun nilai yang terkandung adalah nilai pendidikan religius, moral dan nilai pendidikan sosial. Dalam praktek secara nyata pada pelaksanaannya dari masyarakat Banjar di Kota Sampit Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur. ABSTRACT The background of this research is that the Mandi Safar tradition is one of the unique traditions that exist in Sampit City, East Kotawaringin Regency, in its implementation some people just participate but do not understand the meaning contained in the Safar bathing tradition, therefore this study knows and describes the value of education. contained in the Safar bathing tradition procession of the Banjar community in Sampit City, Kotawaringin Timur Regency, as for the formulation of the problem in this study is to see how the procession and the value of education in the Safar bathing tradition of the Banjar community in Sampit City, Kotawaringin Timur Regency. This type of research conducted by researchers is field (field research), with a descriptive qualitative method using an ethnographic approach. The purpose of this study is to determine the procession and educational value of the Safar bathing tradition. The research subjects were the Banjar people in Sampit City, East Kotawaringin. The data in this study include (1) the value of religious education, (2) the value of moral education, (3) the value of social education. The data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Safar bathing tradition in its implementation has a process, namely: (1) Preparing Sawang leaves, (2) Merajah Sawang leaves, (3) Reading bathing intentions, (4) Bathing in the Mentaya river, (5) Praying Together . The values contained are the values of religious education, moral and social education values. In actual practice, the implementation of the Banjar community in Sampit City, Kotawaringin Timur Regency

    The Impact of the Implementation of Corporate Governance on the Financial Performance of Non-finance Companies Registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange

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    This research aimed to observe the impact of corporate governance measured with the ranking of CGPI done by the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) on the financial performance of companies measured using ROA, ROE, DER, DAR, and CR. The analysis method used was the linear regression method. The research sample was non-finance companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange and registered as a member of CGPI during the period of 2012–2014. The results of this research showed that corporate governance has a positive correlation with ROA, DER, CR, and a negative correlation with the variables of ROE and DAR. Research has proved that the better management conducted by the company did not mean the dividends shared with the stockholders were larger.     Keywords: corporate governance, finance performance, ROA, RO

    Isolation and Physicochemical Characterization of Lignin from Chromolaena Odorata and Tithonia Diversifolia

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    This study dealt with isolation of lignin from soft woods namely; Chromolaena odorata (Siam Weed) and Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican Sunflower) using alkali pretreatment method. The raw samples were characterized by some physico-chemical parameters before extraction. Chromolaena odorata gave higher lignin yield and lesser ash content of 15.12 % and 4.22 % respectively compared to Tithonia diversifolia with 7.40 % and 9.56 % respectively. The isolated lignins were characterized by some physico-chemical parameters and spectroscopy methods like Futran Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Lignin from Chromolaena odorata was found to be more pure than the one from Tithonia diversifolia as evident from the values of ash content (4.22%) and klason lignin (33.65 %) for Chromolaena odorata while ash content (9.56 %) and klason lignin (21.96 %) were obtained from Tithonia diversifolia. The FT-IR spectra of both lignins revealed the presence of syringyl and guaiacyl units.Keywords: Chromolaena odorata, Tithonia diversifolia, Lignin, FT-IR, Physico chemical parameter

    Investigation of Buried Tank by Using Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) at Perta Arun Gas (PAG) Lhokseumawe

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    Investigasi keberadaan tank/bunker yang tertimbun telah dilakukan dibagian area PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG) Lhokseumawe dengan menggunakan metode Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) yang dilengkapi dengan satu set alat CMD. Enam buah lintasan pengukuran yang memiliki panjang 66 m dan memiliki spasi diantaranya 1 m telah didesain untuk mecakup area dugaan target. Hasil investigasi menunjukkan bahwa adanya keberadaan tangki/bunker. Keberadaan tangki/bunker tersebut sebagai hasil interpretasi nilai-nilai konduktivitas listrik yang bervariasi mulai dari 1210-1320 mS.m-1 atau setara dengan -227,26 sampai dengan -227,82 ppt. Dari variasi nilai konduktivitas listrik, maka dapat disketsa dimensi dari tangki/bunker dimana tangki tersebut terdiri dari 3 bagian dengan ukuran yang berbeda. Bagian pertama memiliki diameter 1 m dan panjang 8 m. Bagian kedua memiliki diameter 2,8 m dan panjang 11 m, sedangkan bagian terakhir memiliki diameter 2,5 m dan panjannya 19 m, sehingga panjang keseluruhan tangki adalah 38 m. Kedalaman tangki tersebut dari bagian yang paling kecil ke besar secara berturut-turut adalah 1 m, 3 m dan 4 m. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa metode ini berhasil diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi benda-benda logam yang tertanam. The investigation of buried tank was performed at the part of PT. Perta Arun Gas (PAG) area, Lhokseumawe by using the Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) method and equipped by one-set of the apparatus. The six spreads of data acquisition whose 66 m long for every spread and 1 m spacing between them were set intending to cover the subsurface target and get a good resolution of its image. The result shows that there is an exsisted tank. This finding was derived according to electrical conductivity values where generally they vary from 1210 to 1320 mS.m-1 or equivalent to -227,26 until -227,82 ppt. From this various electrical conductivity the image of tank/bunker was sketched. The tank is consisted of three different sizes where the first part has the diameter 1 m in length and 8 m long. The second part is 2,8 m in diameter and has 11 m long, while the last part has a dimension 2,5 m in diameter and 19 m long. So that the total length of the tank is 38 m. Furthermore the depth of every part from the smallest to biggest is in average 1 m, 3 m dan 4 m respectively. In conclude it can be said this method proved that its application in detecting the burried metal objects is effectively successful

    Design of a Drying Equipment Moringa Leaf with Utilizing Temperature Air Conditioning Condenser

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    This study conducted to get drying equipment a moringa leaf using air temperature from an air conditioning condenser. The first steps taken were collecting research literature, formulating problems, and design a drying equipment moringa leaf (moringa oleifera) using air temperature from an air conditioning condenser. Drying equipment tool made from plywood, wood, aluminum foil, styrofoam, and pipe channel to drying equipment. It works by utilizing air from the air conditioning condenser which is channeled through a pipe channel to drying equipment. The test was carried with modification intake channel to drying equipment without suction fan and using suction fan.  Data collection is carried out every 30 minutes for 7 hours which starting from 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM. A sample of 800 grams of wet moringa leaf was placed on each drying rack. The result study without suction fan in the drying equipment show average temperature air from the condenser of 31.17 °C, average humidity of 68.8%, and a reduction in water content of moringa leaf of 35.5%. Meanwhile, the test using an air suction fan in the drying equipment was average temperature air from the condenser 34.10 °C, average humidity was 62.30% and the reduction in water content of moringa leaf was 40.8%. The drying rate of moringa leaf in the test using an exhaust fan is 0.0138 kg/hour, while the drying rate of moringa leaf in the test without using an exhaust fan is 0.01 kg/hour.This study conducted to get drying equipment a moringa leaf using air temperature from an air conditioning condenser. The first steps taken were collecting research literature, formulating problems, and design a drying equipment moringa leaf (moringa oleifera) using air temperature from an air conditioning condenser. Drying equipment tool made from plywood, wood, aluminum foil, styrofoam, and pipe channel to drying equipment. It works by utilizing air from the air conditioning condenser which is channeled through a pipe channel to drying equipment. The test was carried with modification intake channel to drying equipment without suction fan and using suction fan.  Data collection is carried out every 30 minutes for 7 hours which starting from 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM. A sample of 800 grams of wet moringa leaf was placed on each drying rack. The result study without suction fan in the drying equipment show average temperature air from the condenser of 31.17 °C, average humidity of 68.8%, and a reduction in water content of moringa leaf of 35.5%. Meanwhile, the test using an air suction fan in the drying equipment was average temperature air from the condenser 34.10 °C, average humidity was 62.30% and the reduction in water content of moringa leaf was 40.8%. The drying rate of moringa leaf in the test using an exhaust fan is 0.0138 kg/hour, while the drying rate of moringa leaf in the test without using an exhaust fan is 0.01 kg/hour